Planning Board

The local Planning Board was created in 1990 by the Town Board to serve in an advisory role concerning land use issues. Its powers and duties are governed by section 271 of Town Law. In the capacity of advisor to the Town Board, the Planning Board prepared the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and local land-use laws to include Subdivision and Zoning Laws. The Planning Board has been delegated authority to approve Subdivision applications, Site Plans, and Special Permits.  The Board consists of five members appointed by the Town Board to serve overlapping five-year terms.  In 2005 Board members completed a Land Use Training and Certification Program administered by the New York Planning Federation and Land Use Law Center.  It holds a January annual meeting to select a Chairman, vice-Chairman, and Secretary.  Regular meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall.




Ron Bayzon

Ron Bayzon

Chairman/Agriculture Representative